
jordyn montague ZpkZulvFhvQ unsplashAs the year winds down, our team is welcoming a chance to slow down, catch our breaths, and get recharged for next year. We’ve taken the opportunity to stop and consider what causes our clients to reach out, and we are struck by a term that keeps popping up for us: Intentionality.

Before our clients engage with us, before they call us for an initial conversation, before they go to come here to our website or blog to gather more information about Syte, they recognize that something about their organization needs to change.

The change they need might simply be finding a new software system. Or, it may be a more complex need like strategic planning or executive coaching. Whatever the need, there’s some level of recognition that the individual or organization needs help putting these changes into place.

But recognition alone doesn’t lead to action and, ultimately, impact. We can see that in our own lives. We recognize the need to change our eating habits, for example, but that recognition, all by itself, doesn’t lead to the action of eating better or the positive impact it has on my life. Recognition has to be combined with intentionality in order to translate into action and impact.

Recognition + Intentionality –> Action + Impact

Intentionality, the state of having intent, is often the difference between taking the first step or not, beginning to act or not acting at all.

One way to gauge your level of intentionality is to ask yourself what you really want for yourself or your organization, to determine what the very next step is towards getting what you want, and then asking yourself if you are truly ready to take that step.

For the rest of the month of December, we’re going to explore some ways to increase our recognition, define our intentionality, and use both to inform effective action that leads to impact.

In the meantime, ask yourself, do you recognize areas in yourself or your organization that need change? If so, take a moment to really identify what you intend to do to make changes those areas. Ask yourself, what three things can I do this week to make those changes in myself or in my organization? What one thing can I to today? And, what is keeping be from taking action?

Contact us if you’d like to talk about your level of intentionality and what areas–in your life or in your organization–you’d like to have greater impact in.

Lastly, if you’d prefer to get content like this sent to you, please sign up for our newsletter.

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Doing Business Better

You strive for excellence, believe in your people, and want to do things right the first time. And you know that you need help to get to the heart of your business challenges and make the best choices for the future of your privately held manufacturing and distribution company. That’s where we come in.

We help you focus and find exactly the right path to accelerated growth and sustainable success — from your people to your processes to your ERP software.