January Connections Video: Walk with me for a moment
I record these monthly Connections video to connect with you on a human level — and this might be my most human video yet.
I recorded this while I was out walking my dogs in the woods near my house. As I was talking into the camera about a topic that’s close to my heart — investing in the things that matter — my old blind dog wandered a little too far.
I found her quickly, don’t worry. And interestingly, it served to underscore my point …
Taking this walk was an investment in my wellbeing.
Taking my dogs on walks, even when one can’t see a darn thing, is an investment in their health.
Thinking about what matters to the people Syte serves and partners with — above, beyond and including ERP — and recording a video about it is an investment in our relationship.
I hope you’ll take three minutes to watch this little video note. Investing in our future is a gift to ourselves
Hey, everybody, happy New Year, you see behind me, I’m out here for a walk because I just had to get out of the office, right? We’re all working from home in a way we never thought we would be doing every day. So I am out and out in the woods near my house, you know, looking like casual Friday every day now. But that’s the way we roll, right. So weird quote came to mind for me today, it was calledBut it’s one that I have to tell you, I’ve never been that fond of. But it seems to be apropos at the moment. And that is there’s only two guarantees in life. Right? Death and taxes. And if you’re listening to this, you’re definitely not dead. It’s not April 15th yet. So you’ve got some time in that regard as well. The thing that this the reason this quote came up for me, I thought it was just kind of interesting was, you know, we need to be optimistic.
We need to be forward looking. We are alive. We made it through 2020 and here we are. So the thing I thought about as I look back for a minute was, you know, I had I saw some people in our client base on our site team who continued to invest and invest in the future. And I thought, isn’t that optimistic when some people’s lives right now are really, really hard and really struggling? I saw people who were doing well and people that were struggling still continue to invest in the future in their employees.
We saw this with our manufacturing clients who continued to invest in their companies, in their growth, in serving the economy and the country that we live in. And I thought that is really, really amazing. And I just thought, you know, as we go into twenty, twenty one, how might we collectively in our companies, in our families, as individuals continue to invest in the future that we are all get to be a part of and what a gift that is.
And so as I look at this, I think about our manufacturing clients who continue to stretch and use what they have to propel themselves forward. Right. They’re not always grasping at the new big and shiny thing. They are grasping excuse me, they’re stretching themselves with what they have. So it made me think about, hey, taxes aren’t due yet and we’re still alive and we know those things are coming, but they’re not here yet. So what can you do to invest in some way in yourself, in your employees, in the companies that you work for and most importantly, in your families?
I think that the neat thing about this is this can be in big ways and this can be a little teeny just I’m at the grocery store and I do something kind for somebody kind of ways. It can also be a big, massive waves if you have the resources to do that with where we’re headed. So I just want to encourage you to think about where you’re at today worked what twenty, twenty one looks like for you and the people around you.
And where are your opportunities to really invest in the future this year, in this moment and in this quarter when we could all use your wonderful, wonderful participation and contribution. Thanks so much for listening and have a great start to your twenty twenty one. Take care.
ERP Readiness Self-Assessment
Is your organization ready for a new or upgraded ERP solution? Find out with this complimentary self-assessment.
Doing Business Better
You strive for excellence, believe in your people, and want to do things right the first time. And you know that you need help to get to the heart of your business challenges and make the best choices for the future of your privately held manufacturing and distribution company. That’s where we come in.
We help you focus and find exactly the right path to accelerated growth and sustainable success — from your people to your processes to your ERP software.