Erin's Bookshelf, June 2018

SYTE’s founder and CEO, Erin Koss, shares the books that she is reading and recommending this month!

ToolsOfTitansCoverTools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

“I simply love Tools of Titans for the very fact that there is so much in there for every aspect of my life. He divides it into three sections, ‘Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise,” and pulls the best nuggets from his podcast interviews with some of the smartest people on the planet. I got tremendous value from this book in a million ways. There is something in there for everybody.”


radical candor coverRadical Candor by Kim Scott

“Radical Candor takes Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson up a notch by taking an approach that is expeditious, meaning communication is swift, quick, intentional, and very honest without being brutal. I think that’s the neat thing about Radical Candor: if leaders can implement some of the tactics in her book, I think they will have, in combination with Crucial Conversations, an epic toolkit for strong organizational communication at all levels.”



The Dance of Connection by Harriet Lerner, Ph.D.

“The Dance of Connection is a great break book for all of us who work up in our heads. What we know about connecting effectively with people is that it requires more of a heart-touch and that the head can get in our way at times. To be more empathetic and engaged with people at all levels of the organization really does require connection. This book serves both personally and professionally in a great way.”


What books are you reading this month? Comment below, or contact us to chat! We’d love to connect to learn more about you and your organization and to see how we might add value and help you grow.

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